Front of Smithbrook Kilns |
Life has been somewhat hectic, thanks to a disturbingly full schedule and therefore there is so much to catch up on. The new studio (yes a real studio not a spare bedroom) is pretty much complete after much sanding, painting and moving of boxes. How can one person acquire so much stuff and not be able to part with any of it! Decorating and moving in seemed a very idyllic concept before I had to figure out what I needed, and then hardest of all, what I wanted - What a mammoth decision, and one that seemed so final. But with lots of help the blinds are up, the furniture is painted and the place is ready to rock, although as you can see family helps with the work load but spaniels are never so eager to be of assistance.
An empty studio being mentally filled |
New staff working hard |
So with running water and the paint fumes finally gone I can ready myself for the huge task of re-packaging all my kits and have space for the vast number of deliveries which are now flooding in after a few easy card payment days on the internet ordering copious amounts of threads, needles, fabric and other strange goodies (such as medical sample bottles - everything has its use!)
Most important, tea and coffee is all set up and ready for some inspiration drinking |
More pictures of a finished and working studio will soon be taken - when it's tidy rather than looking like the back of a scavenged garden shed.
Most exciting is my gorgeous new stationary. Fiona and her awesome team at Flourish have designed me the most inspiring new logo and paperwork that is totally me and uses all their superior colour theory knowledge to make me all inspired and stitchey and stuff.
I am happily home based now until the end of July as I have been away to Liverpool for an Creative Stitches show, Hexham to meet the lovely embroiderers their and inspire them into a love affair with whitework and to Birmingham for the Sewing for Pleasure show as the guest of Madeira threads to show people the wonders of their hand embroidery threads, and although I already used their stranded cotton I am a complete silk convert! I feel a new silk shading kit on the way chock-a-block full of gorgeous Madeira threads.
Aside from massive kit production I have flowers in the back of my mind. There is a small raised bed next to my studio, currently happily housing some rather vivacious weeds. After asking permission I am allowed by the lovely people at smithbrook kilns to plant what I like there as long as I don't kill it (quite a task for me) but the soil is heavy with clay, so any suggestions on clay hardy flowers which are nice and bright would be greatly appreciated.
Happy stitching bloggettes,